
Meet the KrausMuller Line of Junction Boxes to streamline your electrical installation. Our boxes have a modern design that unites safety and quality, and adapt well to your environment. It guarantees the passage, derivation and access to electrical, telephony, television, data networks and the assembly of commands and electronic circuits.

KrausMuller products have been developed for use as junction boxes, small switchboards, boxes and insulation products and electrical junction boxes.

Now, check out the differentials of the KrausMuller Line:

  • It can be apply as a junction box;
  • They are applied to appliances and circuits class 2 of the universe IEC – double isolation. Therefore, they are insulating;
  • They have (patented) marking of the dimensions for drilling and / or fixing;
  • The thermoplastic materials with which the boxes are injected comply with the standard ABNT (Brazilian Association of Technical Standards, IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) 60.695 – 2 – 10 2006 Test Methods for Incandescent / Heated Wire – Apparatus and Test Method – 650º C;
  • Great dimensional stability;
  • They have adequate water tightness, depending on the model and application;
  • They meet all the characteristics of our competitors;

And thinking of facilitating your electric design, we offer several types of junction boxes that can be used according to the needs of each customer, check it out:


Junction Boxes

Meet the KrausMuller Line of Junction Boxes to streamline your electrical installation. Our boxes have a ...

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Junction Boxes

Meet the KrausMuller Line of Junction Boxes to streamline your electrical installation. Our boxes have a ...

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